Humanising the System
by Leah Lockhart
Our design team wants to understand the barriers Falkirk Council staff experience when creating a relationship-centred culture and to providing the right resources, support and education that enables care-experienced people to grow and thrive.
The birth of Humanising the System
The story of how our team formed out of a huge pile of Post-it notes.
Leah/25th February 2020
A system that works
At the heart of Humanising the System is creating a system that works for care-experienced people. Here’s how we started a journey of discovery to making that system a reality.
Leah/10th March 2020
We got our creative juices flowing after a day of idea generation.
Leah/14th March 2020
Radical new futures
Covid-19 meant we had to pause our ideation and dreaming of possible new futures. But looking at our ideas with fresh eyes will breathe new life into them.
Leah/15th October 2020
After we chose the idea we were going to develop, we started writing short fiction together.
Leah/23rd October 2020
Our Service Design Concept and Policy Prototype: Share the Care
A policy which offers flexible and agile working, provides the right resources, support and education to enable a relationship-centred culture in which care-experienced people can grow and thrive.
Leah/10th December 2020
Evaluating Share the Care
The final stage of our creative process included looking at the potential impact our idea could have by: reflecting on the needs we identifed for this service design, refelcting on our Corporate Parent Service Design Principles and the type of transformation we expected to enable.
Leah/10th December 2020