Caring for our care leavers
like we would our own children
One of the most important things in life is our relationships:
they can enhance and change our lives.
Yet some young people leaving care, and people who work for local authorities, explain a range of barriers mean they find it difficult to maintain connections.
Falkirk Council has taken the bold step to explore what these barriers may look like in their organisation and what they could do differently. The Council hosted us and asked us to challenge current systems to better and more frequently enable their workforce to engage in relationships that enable care leavers to flourish.
This website is a live document which shares the process we are working through and the challenges we are offering.
It’s a learning journey for us all and we hope you’ll join and support us on this path.

Here are our first service design concepts and prototypes, created to challenge Falkirk Council…
Staff can’t pour from empty cups. When we prioritise the nurture of our staff we’ll be well placed to support nurturing relationships.
A network of practitioners – that aims to become a movement – who support relational-based practices and individual ways of being at work to humanise the way people work and relate to one another.
A policy which offers flexible and agile working, provides the right resources, support and education to enable a relationship-centred culture in which care-experienced people can grow and thrive.