Our Service Design Concept and Policy Prototype: Hug in a Mug
Our service design proposal is for a new Nurture Policy that allows Falkirk Council to implement nurture at all levels. Through our research we know that being nurtured at work looks like; knowing how staff feel, knowing how best to support them as individuals and them knowing how best to support themselves.
We want to prioritise the nurture of Falkirk employees because we know that people can’t pour from empty cups. When we prioritise the nurture of our staff and make sure they are pouring from full cups, we will make sure that the services we deliver are sustainable, kind and compassionate so that young people feel loved and safe. Our policy is called ‘Hug in a Mug’ and sets out a number of ways that we see Falkirk Council providing nurture and embedding a nurturing culture.
Our policy prototype will be made avaliable by April 2021 so you can read more about this service design concept.
And don’t forget to check out our final post as we evaluate Hug in a Mug in relation to the experiences we said we wanted to better enable at the start of this project.