Radical New Futures


Covid-19 meant we had to pause our dreaming and idea making. But getting back together after a long break provided opportunity to take a fresh look at our ideas for possible futures. First, we re-visited the themes we generated at our last session and placed them on a graph for collective decision making:

After some deliberation and debate, we landed on flexible and agile working to support relationships as the idea we would focus on developing. Our decision was informed by how achieveable and unique the idea is and how it is open enough to potentially allow all the other ideas to fall under it.

A requirement for the next phases of our project is to develop a story that describes our idea and to visualise the story in a short film. In order to decide if we would be telling Patsy’s story or Siobhan’s story, we talked in detail how flexible and agile working could support them and the care leavers they might come into contact with. It was then we realised that the Siobhans of the world need the Patsys of the world and that they would both be included in our work going forward.