Process 13: Restarting remote co-design

After a pause in the project due to COVID-19 and the first national lockdown the project re-started, and we had to adjust our work plan and work mode to be fully online.

Because we have been apart for so long our first session together included revisiting the project’s vision and previous findings, our focus theme and the ideas we have generated on the 14th of March.

All our work was developed using a collaborative virtual wall to keep a record of our work in progress. As a warm-up to get-us into our theme Being yourself at Work through the lens of Language, we have done a Brainwriting around the Language in our context – the Council.

This was also an exercise to explore different aspects of language that could fuel our next step in the process since our initial ideas would benefit from further exploration. We have also detailed the profile of our persona – Siobhan an early career house officer – to generate enough information to generate a rich scenario.

To help us with the creation of a meaningful scenario, I have created a synthesis (see below) of our focus which we reviewed and commented on to regain our familiarity with the project and our team’s focus.