Made on a Mobile Training
After the Co-Design Crew had shared their research findings with one another and explored the similarities and differences they learnt how to make videos using their mobile phones. We asked them to use this training opportunity to share the findings from their research. These fantastic videos share the first time many of the Co-Design Crew have worked collaboratively, used new technology and learnt to condense their rich research findings into a 2-minute video.
Thanks go to Jon Gill for delivering the Made on a Mobile training.
Why we need to better enable relationships with young people as they leave care
What can love look like between young people leaving care and corporate parents?
What can make it difficult for care leavers and corporate parents to show love?
What makes if possible for care leavers and corporate parents to show love?
Relationships First by Designed by Society and Falkirk Council is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at