Fleshing out our research focus


At session 2 (held on 4th February 2020) our aims for the ‘Nurturing The Workforce’ group were to:

  1. Agree our plan for the research (who, where, when, what)
  2. For everyone to feel confident in the process they are going to work through over the next 2.5 days and know what jobs they would be doing and what support they have.

As a group we discussed what part of trauma the group would like to focus on. From the discussion, the following points were captured:

  • First and foremost this is about [the workforce] understanding behaviours
    • How do we encourage non-judgemental curiosity in the workforce?
    • How can we enable staff to be aware of a young person’s trauma in order to avoid triggers and provide good signposting?
    • How can we enable staff to acknowledge trauma and support the young person in an informed way?
    • How can we help staff understand the scale of trauma and the way that the system contributes to it?
    • How can we help staff feel more confident (they often worry that they make trauma worse for young people and therefore feel de-skilled?
    • Understand the current workforce knowledge levels around trauma informed practice?
    • Understand the barriers for the workforce around learning about trauma?
    • Understand the best ways for the workforce to learn and share information?
  • Building relationships and getting to know each other relationally has broken down barriers for both young people and corporate parents in the case of Relationships First.
    • What can we learn from this?

As a group we then started to draft a research plan:

The issue we are focusing on is:

  1. Workforce awareness of trauma pre and post care
  2. The barriers and enablers for the workforce to work in trauma informed ways
  3. The ways in which practice can perpetuate trauma
  4. How we can ensure workforce / strategic groups like Champions Board respond to and have awareness of  trauma informed practice
  5. Helping workforce / strategic groups like Champions Board understand the impact of involvement in groups for young people and the ways in which it can perpetuate trauma
  6. How can we replicate Relationships First experience in strategic groups like Champions Board and wider workforce

The people we want to learn from are:

  • The workforce
  • Champion Board elected members
  • Young Scot reps who sit on Champions Board
  • Relationships First Team

We want to observe…

  • Workforce and strategic groups (e.g. Champions Board) awareness of corporate parenting
  • Workforce and strategic groups (e.g. Champions Board) awareness of being trauma informed 
  • Barriers and enablers for workforce and strategic groups to work in nurturing ways
  • Factors which have made Relationships First successful